From a student who identifies as Major: Biology with a focus on Environmental Science
Minor: Environment and Society
Student Self Identifies as: Caucasian Fluid Female
I am involved in the Catholic Center and a peer educator through the Office of Health Promotion.
Gender Identity: Female
Race/Ethnicity: Caucasian
Sexual Orientation: Fluid
High School Experience: I went to a small public school kind of in the country in Syracuse, NY with a graduating class of 70 students
First-Generation College Student: No
Major: Biology with a focus on Environmental Science
Minor: Environment and Society
Extracurricular Activities: I am involved in the Catholic Center and a peer educator through the Office of Health Promotion
Did any of your extracurricular activities have a particularly big impact on your experience?
I haven’t started the peer education program yet. The Catholic Center has had a huge impact because of the community and family that’s there. I really appreciate having that space on campus to feel safe and welcome.
Can you describe your weekly coursework for your major?
I have a lot of labs because I took basic Chemistry and general Biology and those each came with a lab. There was a lot of lab work to go with those. There weren’t so many essays, but we did have to do a project for my Genetics class that included a write up with a pamphlet. For my Environment and Society minor and the Environmental Science aspect, there is a little more writing.
How would you describe the learning environment? Do you think it’s particularly competitive or collaborative?
It doesn’t feel competitive at all. It almost feels like everyone’s trying to come together and succeed. It doesn’t feel like anyone’s trying to beat each other. We’re all just trying to do well. Syracuse offers a lot of help, especially with the sciences. There are a lot of study groups and tutoring session you can go to and a lot of students aren’t afraid to help you out with things if you have questions. Usually, it’s kind of a back and forth because everyone’s working on the same topics.
Is there anything you feel your major’s department does especially well or poorly?
Last semester I took a Genetics class and that was a little rough because it was very disorganized. A lot of the test dates got moved, and there were a lot of exams. I know testing isn’t for everyone and it’s not the main way to always test someone’s knowledge on a topic. I’d like to see the department try to figure out another outlet to test knowledge other than a multiple-choice exam. I also think some courses could be better structured. But, I think they do a fairly good job of running things overall.
What was your favorite class you took last year?
The Environment and Society class I took last semester. It brought to my knowledge more issues and topics that I’m passionate about. It’s cool to make that connection.
What was your least favorite class you took last year?
Why did you pick your major? Are you happy with your choice?
I’ve always kind of been a science person. I like Biology specifically because I like the connections between living things and how humans interact with the environment. I’m very satisfied with my choice.
1) The classes are awesome. I’ve really liked the professors and the teaching plans and the topics.
2) It’s a big university, but there are so many things on campus that help you feel welcome and bring you in.
3) It’s pretty easy to find people that you click with because there are so many clubs and organizations to join.
Student did not respond to this question.
Where have you lived on campus?
Freshman: Shaw Hall with one roommate in an open double room
Sophomore: I’m going to be in Shaw again in an open double with the same roommate.
How is being a Syracuse native and going to Syracuse University?
Growing up I knew the university was there and I’d gone there for a couple of different projects and stuff. I didn’t want to go there at first, but now that I’m there it feels like it fits because I know it so well. At first, I thought it was going to be way too close to home, but it’s not because once you’re on campus you’re there and you get caught up in everything.
Can you describe the level of safety you’ve experienced on and around campus?
Personally, I’ve never felt threatened in any way. I guess I can be kind of naïve walking around at night coming back from the library or something. I don’t feel unsafe in any way.
What is your favorite place to get away from campus?
This is going to sound kind of funny, but the Oakwood Cemetery that’s right by campus. It’s one of those few places around campus with a lot of nature around. It’s really nice to go there and just go for a walk because it’s so big. You can explore and see deer. It’s a cool place to go even though it’s a cemetery.
What kind of nightlife do you like to participate in?
Last year I did a lot of different things. Sometimes the campus would have Orange After Dark events where they put on an event and have food and activities to do. I went to a couple of those. Most nights it was a couple of friends and me in a room and we hung out. There were nights where we’d go out and there are parties on Friday nights and Saturday nights. It just depended on what we were feeling.
What have been some of your favorite activities?
The Catholic Center had a prayer hour on Wednesday nights and I really liked that. If we were going to a party we’d go out on a Friday night. The Catholic Center also did Thursday night dinners and those were really cool.
How happy are you with the nightlife options available to you at Syracuse? Is there anything that you would change if you could?
There were some events put on by the university that were pretty cool. They had laser tag which was fun. A lot of the University organized events in the evening kind of died quickly, so something better could be done with those.
How did you meet your closest friends?
We are in the same scholarship program. We had a meeting before the school year started, so we got to meet beforehand, and we all lived in the same building so it was really easy to get to know them.
How would you describe the social scene?
There are different cliques on campus but I don’t feel the cliques are closed off to anyone. People seem open to talking and sharing what they’re a part of and their experiences. From my experience, a student in Greek life may not seem as welcoming, but otherwise, I’d say it feels pretty good.
To what extent do people of different races and sexual orientations mix socially?
I’d say fairly well. I mean there was that video that got released, even though that was really awful I feel like it brought a lot of people together towards bettering things.
How would you describe the student body?
I would say it’s very diverse. From my personal experience, mostly friendly.