Mentorship Circle


Your Gateway to a

Thriving Educational Consulting Career

Whether You're Just Starting Out or Looking to Refine Your Practice,

We're Here for You.

What is the Mentorship Circle?

Lessons Learned and Shared, Demonstrations of Ways We've Solved for Common Challenges, known uniquely to college readiness service providers.

Our esteemed guest-hosts are all innovating pioneers who admit they don't have all the answers but encourage an audience of their peers by demonstrating how they recognized a problem and solved for it. Our guest hosts are long time professionals and educational service providers from all corners of the education spectrum. This is a one-hour professional development seminar.

Any education professional is warmly welcomed to attend.

Interested in being a guest-host? we warmly welcome you to apply by

clicking the button below.

Who Is This For?

College Counselors

Practicing within an organization or institution, looking for peer knowledge on transitioning your career.

Educational Consultants 

College planners, education placement specialists, academic coaches, solo-preneures and those who wear many hats.

Admissions Application Tutors

Essay specialists, Niche-focus admissions, third-party educational support service professionals

Your Challenges, Our Solutions

We understand the complexities and insecurities you face in the ever-changing landscape of college admissions. That's why we're here to help, listen, share, teach and learn with you!

How It Works





Reserve your seat for this month and next month and the next.

Last Thursday of each month. Try one now.

Access to shared resources and knowledge base tools.

Apply to become a Mentorship Circle presenter and share your expertise.

What's the Investment?

No cost - It's free and open to all emerging & seasoned educational consultants, private college planners, admissions coaches, application specialists, tutors, any educational service provider is welcome to attend.

This is a popular event - seats fill up in advance.

Ready to Feel a Difference?

What's the Cost of College Planner Practice-Isolation?

Reasons to attend:

Educational Consulting is a practice learned on-the-job. Collaboration with experienced colleagues, capitalizes on 'on-the-job' training. Having peer-mentors can grow your experience by sharing theirs with you. If you are feeling "new" - meet some colleagues and let that feeling pass.

The most important information in college admissions is the undocumented insider's-edge, that comes from the professional generosity of peer-colleagues.

Reasons not to attend:

You can be a solopreneur - you don't need colleagues - everything you need is on the internet.

With 3000 institutions of higher education, each with their own application requirements, it will be a breeze to keep up with the complex world of educational consulting alone, making rookie mistakes, missing networking opportunities and allowing for career stagnation.

Or join the Mentorship Circle and enjoy the happiness that comes with having career-colleagues.

Your Success Story Starts Here

With Mentorship Circle, you're not just another educational consultant; you're a part of a community that uplifts and supports each other.

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