From a student who identifies as Major: Biomedical Sciences
Minor: Psychology
Student Self Identifies as: Caucasian Heterosexual Male
I play intramural sports, such as soccer. I’m in professional Greek life, which is different than Greek life.
Gender Identity: Male
Race/Ethnicity: Caucasian
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
High School Experience: Public school in upstate New York with a graduating class of 250. There was a pretty strong culture of going to community college there, not necessarily a private college.
First Generation College Student: No.
Major: Biomedical Sciences
Minor: Psychology
Extracurricular Activities: I play intramural sports, such as soccer. I’m in professional Greek life, which is different than Greek life.
What impact has professional Greek life had on your experience?
I’d say it’s important depending on your major. If it’s offered, it’s probably an important thing to join. It’s had a very positive experience on me at least.
Can you describe your weekly coursework for your major?
It’s really, really difficult when you’re a freshman getting used to doing that much work, especially going in from high school. But, if you really enjoy it and stick with it, you can find some time to have fun and do your work too. Freshman year is a lot of problem sets and online homework assignments. As you go into sophomore year and junior year, there’s homework that’s not required. But, if you don’t do it, you’re not going to do well.
What are the major graded assignments?
The biggest graded things are lab practicals and tests. I’d say that lab practicals are probably the most stressful part about the major freshman year.
Is there anything you feel your major’s department does especially well or especially poorly?
It’s really small, so it’s a lot more personal than most other schools. You have a lot more hands-on time with teachers and a lot more accessible time with them.
Can you describe the learning environment? Do you think it’s particularly competitive or collaborative?
I’d say it’s a lot more collaborative than competitive. If you’re pre-med or going to be a graduate student just because it’s such a small pool of students you don’t need to fight to be on top. [About 11% of students are in the School of Science.]
What has been your favorite class in your major?
What has been your least favorite class in your major?
Why did you pick your major? Are you happy with your choice of major?
It’s just what I’ve always wanted to do and it’s what I’m interested in. At the time, it definitely seems like a bad choice because there is a lot of work and a lot of sacrifices. But, at the end of the day it’s definitely worth it and I want to stick with it.
1) It’s small. [The undergraduate enrollment is about 5,000 students.]
2) The campus is fantastic.
3) I personally think that the majority of people here are very nice.
1) It’s not a very diverse school. [In the Class of 2022, about 76% of the student population is White.]
2) It’s not a huge party school.
3) It’s not that good for sports.
Where have you lived on campus?
Freshman: Champagnat, everyone calls it Champ, with one roommate.
Sophomore: Lower West Cedar and I had one roommate and seven suitemates.
Junior & Senior: Off-campus in a house
What was your favorite living situation?
I think it’s worked out perfectly. Freshman year you’re in a dorm and you meet everyone. Sophomore year you’re still on campus, but you’re kind of independent in a townhouse. Moving off campus junior and senior year was definitely a good move.
Can you describe the level of safety you experienced on and around campus?
I think it’s safe. I’ve never felt like there would be a problem.
What is your favorite off-campus restaurant?
What is your favorite place to get away from campus?
I don’t know it’s almost like you don’t really need to because there is a riverfront that doesn’t really feel like it’s on campus, which is nice. There’s a place called Breakneck Ridge, a couple of us went a lot. It’s a great place for hiking.
What kind of weekend activities or nightlife do you like to participate in?
Marist is basically just a bar school, but there are parties sometimes. I think it really depends on the year because some years there has been a lot of parties and some years there hasn’t been, but there is a really consistent bar scene. Personally, I usually go out on Fridays, but people do Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, each with a specific bar that everyone goes to. It’s kind of a pain because sometimes the lines are just ridiculous because a lot of local people will go out too.
What have been your favorite times at Marist?
Marist is well known for having certain college-wide parties. In the fall there’s Jock Jam, which is kind of like a big homecoming party, and then in the spring they’re well known for the Catalina Wine Mixer, which is a giant party where people dress up.
How happy are you with the nightlife? Is there anything you would change if you could?
I think it would be a lot more fun if there were more parties because the bars do get repetitive when you go to the same place every week.
How would you describe the social scene?
If you want to know everyone, you can know everyone. But if you don’t want to meet anyone, that’s also pretty easy. It’s not really that cliquey, but obviously there are friend groups.
To what extent do you think people of different races and sexual orientations mix socially?
It’s not the most diverse place, but everyone does mix well. Although there’s a somewhat lack of diversity, I’d say there is diversity because everyone meshes together pretty well. [In the Class of 2022, about 76% of the student population is White.]
How would you describe the student body?
A lot of really white preppy kids. That’s really the way everyone is here. It’s a really preppy school.
Do you think people are happy with their choice of Marist by senior year? Do you think people leave loving Marist?
I think a lot of people love Marist, and if they didn’t like it their freshman year, they probably would have transferred. I don’t think anyone would stay here if they didn’t love it.
Has the alumni network helped you find internships or jobs?
I’d say Marist has a pretty good name and some good people come out of it. I’ve received some help in meeting people. My current boss went to Marist, so that says a lot. Especially if you want to stay in the area, there are a lot of Marist graduates in the area.
How helpful has the career office been?
I have never used the career office.
Have you learned any computer programs that will be helpful to you professionally?
As a science major, I’ve learned all the software that I’m going to need, but it’s very specific to my major.