From a student who identifies as Major: Engineering with a concentration in Philosophy
Minor: None
Student Self Identifies as: Asian Heterosexual Female
Gender Identity: Female
Race/Ethnicity: Asian
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
High School Experience: Boarding school in Texas with a graduating class of 200 students. There was a strong culture of going to college.
First Generation College Student: Yes
Major: Engineering with a concentration in Philosophy
Minor: None
Extracurricular Activities: None
Can you describe the weekly coursework for Engineering?
It’s a lot of problem sets, group work, and exams here and there. You take so many classes, so it gets tiring. Each semester I’d take five or six classes, which gets tough sometimes.
Is there anything you feel the Engineering department does especially well or poorly?
I think they’re very good with the flexibility of making your own major, or making the requirements more lenient. I’m trying to go to medical school, and I can take a chemistry course at Pomona and count that toward my major.
How would you describe the learning environment? Is it particularly competitive or collaborative?
I’d say it’s very collaborative. I feel like people can do the bare minimum and get the degree, but a lot of the students love learning and working, so it allows people to go the extra mile to do well in the class.
What is your favorite class in your major?
Introduction to Digital Engineering. I started out very confused and didn’t know anything, but that class opened my brain to know how to study and how things in engineering works.
What is your least favorite class in your major?
Ethics and Biology. They are the core classes we have to take at Mudd, and they were so difficult.
How was transitioning academically as a first-generation college student? Were there systems in place that helped you transition?
There were resources available. I personally didn’t use them, so I don’t know how effective they are, or how it’s helping other people.
What made you choose your major? Are you happy with your choice?
I initially applied to Mudd as a Chemistry major, but then changed to Engineering. I’m applying to medical school, so I’m not using my degree, but it’s helped me understand how to problem solve. I don’t regret choosing Engineering, but I’m not 100% satisfied.
1) The professors here are super helpful. If you need to use them outside of class, they are super helpful in figuring out what classes you need to take and how to structure your schedule.
2) Everybody here is always super respectful of each other. I’ve never gone to another college, but Mudd has policies called the Honor Code, and they are guidelines for what you should and shouldn’t do in order to be a good person. Take home tests are a nice byproduct of the honor code, because teachers trust that you aren’t going to cheat yourself through the test.
3) The dining halls. As a student of the 5 C’s, you have access to the dining halls on any of the 5 C campuses. There are seven dining halls, and you can go to any of them if you want, and the food is very good.
1) If you don’t want to work super hard, then don’t come here. I know my experience in college is a lot different than those who go to big state schools. It’s a very academically focused environment. Everyone here is driven and working their tails off.
2) If you want to go to a school that has lots of social people who are always willing to go out, or who ditch work to party, that’s not the culture here.
Where have you lived during college?
Freshman: Drinkward Hall with 1 roommate.
Sophomore: Linde Hal with 1 roommate.
Junior: Linde Hall in a single.
Senior: Linde Hall in a single.
How was transitioning from your hometown in Texas to Claremont, CA?
Weather-wise it was pretty similar because in Texas it doesn’t rain and is sunny all the time. Claremont is better, it’s cooler than Texas. Culture wise, it was a shock because Texas is pretty Conservative, and it’s very Liberal out here. In the beginning, it was pretty tough to adjust to the California culture itself, but after I did, it was pretty good. I also might be biased about Mudd because I don’t feel like I fit in here very well, but I thought adjusting within the small school in a limited space was hard. [The total undergraduate population is 889 students.]
Can you describe the level of safety you’ve experienced on and around campus?
In general, I think Claremont is a very safe city, so I’ve never felt any type of danger.
What is your favorite place to get away from campus?
During a break when I go home. I don’t typically leave campus because I don’t have time.
What kind of nightlife or weekend activities do you participate in at Harvey Mudd?
I usually just party with my friends in our suite on the weekends.
What nights of the week do you regularly do things?
Usually Saturday night.
Can you describe a typical night going out freshman year when you were less socially established?
Freshman year was more so 5 C parties, and I went out a lot.
How happy are you with the weekend activities or nightlife at your school? Is there anything you would change if you could?
I think it’s pretty good because within the Claremont Colleges they do the best that they can, and there’s nothing else to do. I really like the Mudd party culture because they don’t care if you party or not, as long as you maintain yourself. Some people go out a lot, at least three times a week. There are certain dorms with more outwardly social people.
How did you meet your closest friends?
I actually met my closest friends through mutual friends. None of my closest friends go to Mudd, except for my boyfriend. My best friends go to Scripps College.
What have been your favorite times at college?
Just taking classes. The professors are really nice, helpful, and smart.
How would you describe the overall social scene at Harvey Mudd?
I think the overall social scene at Mudd is definitely outgoing. A lot of people go out, and they are sometimes wild. Now that I’m a senior I don’t go to many 5 C parties anymore, I just party within the suite.
To what extent do people of different races and sexual orientations mix socially?
I think they mix really well. Overall, the 5 C’s do a good job with feminism, gender equality, and the entire LGBTQ+ community. Sexuality wise it’s very accepting, but for race, I’m not too sure. I hear stories here and there, and a lot of my Black friends tell me there aren’t many Black people here. [The population is 31% White, 3% Black, 20% Hispanic, and 19% Asian.]
How has the size of your school influenced your social experience? [The total undergraduate population is 889 students.]
I think it’s affected it a lot. I’ve felt lonely because I couldn’t really fit in anywhere here, so going to a small school was hard, but I think it was a good experience. There are a lot of nerdy and introverted people here, and I am a nerd myself, but I feel as though I’m socially aware.
Do you feel like you are more of a student of Harvey Mudd or a student of the Five College Consortium?
I feel like I fit into Mudd more, because the Mudd bubble is a big thing.
How would you describe the student body?
I think it’s pretty diverse. They’re all from different backgrounds, but personality wise, people are all in one category.
Do people generally seem happy with Mudd by senior year? Do people leave loving your school?
I think there’s a love-hate relationship. They love the fact that they have graduated, but they are definitely bittersweet about the memories and friends they have made.
How strong is the Asian community on campus?
I think they’re pretty strong. We don’t have the stereotypical international Asian people here, which I appreciate.
What have you used the career office for? How helpful have they been?
They aren’t very helpful. I feel like career services are trying to make it better, but they are heavily focused on the computer science aspect.
Have you learned any computer programs or computer languages that have been or will be especially helpful professionally?
I’ve learned Java, Python, FPGA, Verilog, and SQL.
Have you used financial aid? If so, accommodating was the office to your needs?
I think financial aid is very helpful. They explained everything to me my first year. After that I didn’t go for a while, and they’ve been consistent. I have no complaints.