From a student who identifies as Major: Economics
Minor: None
Student Self Identifies as: White Heterosexual Male
Gender Identity: Male
Race/Ethnicity: White
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
High School Experience: Public high school in San Jose, CA with about 400 students in the graduating class. There was a culture of going to college.
First-Generation College Student: No
Major: Economics
Minor: None
Extracurricular Activities: I have a job.
Can you describe your weekly coursework for your major?
There is recommended homework, and if you do it, it’ll probably take an hour a night. We have two midterms, a final, and sometimes an essay or a big project.
Is there anything you feel that your major’s department does especially well or poorly?
I like the academic advising they do here. Every weekday they have peer advising from graduate students, and I feel like they almost help more than my advisors because they’ve been through it. They’ve helped me pick my classes.
How would you describe the learning environment? Do you think it’s particularly competitive or collaborative?
It’s not really collaborative, but it’s also not very competitive in the classes I’ve been in. It’s mostly individual work.
How accessible are your professors?
They’re very accessible. They’re pretty good about that. If I have an issue, I’ll probably go to a TA first because they have more availability. If I had a big problem with something and needed real help, I’d go to the professor first.
Why did you pick your major? Are you happy with your choice?
I chose it because they didn’t have a business major at most of the schools I was applying to. I’m very happy I chose Economics, even though it’s hard, because I’ll probably go into something in business after college. I’m learning a lot and feel like I’m getting more out of it than I would in a different major.
How do you like the quarter system? How has that impacted your experience?
I think it’s pretty good. If you have a class you don’t like, it goes by quickly and you won’t get bored.
1) You can stay focused.
2) You can surf all year.
3) The campus is beautiful.
Where have you lived on and around campus?
Junior: Off-campus house with seven roommates
Can you describe the level of safety you’ve experienced on and around campus?
I’d say it’s as safe as it can be.
What kind of weekend activities or nightlife do you like to participate in?
There’s not a lot of parties or nightlife in Santa Cruz. During the day I’ll go to the beach, but at night we’ll go to a bar, but nothing too crazy.
What nights of the week do you regularly do things? Who hosts the events?
It depends on my work schedule, but I’ll usually go out for pint night on Wednesdays. Then, I’ll go out either Friday, Saturday, or both.
What’s an alternative to going to a party or a bar that you like for a night out?
I make my way down to Santa Barbara and San Diego to visit friends.
What is the impact of Greek life on nightlife at UCSC?
Greek life here is not a big deal at all. It doesn’t have a big impact at all.
How happy are you with the weekend activities or nightlife at your school? Is there anything you would change if you could?
I wouldn’t come here if you’re looking to party. It’s not a college town.
How did you meet your closest friends?
We transferred in together.
How would you describe the overall social scene at UCSC?
It’s pretty weird, but everyone is friendly and welcoming. Everyone has different interests. It’s much more reserved and people have super nature and hippy vibes.
To what extent do people of different races and sexual orientations mix socially?
It’s pretty diverse. There are a lot of gay and transgender people here, but there are very few Black people at this school. [The undergraduate population is 4% African American, 28% Asian, 27% Latino, 30% European American, and 8% International.]
To what extent do people in Greek life and not in Greek life mix socially?
A lot. It’s common for people to have friends outside of their fraternity.
How do you like the size of UCSC? How has that impacted your experience? [UCSC has about 18,000 undergraduates.]
I like the class sizes. There are some big lecture halls, but then you get classes that are more personal and have 30 students. It’s a pretty good size because there’s a mix.
Have you used financial aid? If so, accommodating was the office to your needs?
I use financial aid, and they do a good enough job to where I haven’t had to do in and deal with any issues. It’s very easy to understand.