May 24 Member Update

Parents of

College Bound Students

are tough Customers

    Dear Colleague ,

    Parents seek more than just a college planner or admissions advisor. They desire a holistic solution to guide their child's future. Only CounselMore educational planning software aligns with parents' genuine desires because we've identified needs and solutions through research.

    Serving the Parent-Customer

    Parents want a college counselor who can confidently lead their family through the admissions maze, represent their student in the very best light and enhance the student's overall well being, leaving them with a young adult prepared to exit high school and enter college - ready!

    CounselMore is ready for the most demanding parents. Build a strong, college-ready program.

    College Search 

    A robust tool that simplifies the college selection process. Data is date-stamped for freshness! Each application requirement per school, plus another 250 datapoints to compare side-by-side. If that's not enough, save your own esoteric admissions info in your private database.


    Student Management

    A comprehensive solution, integrating seamlessly with Google Suite and featuring robust scheduling capabilities. Unlike other platforms, we do not charge per student, making it cost-effective for practices of all sizes. This all-in-one platform provides a counselor, student and parent portal for managing dynamic collaborations.


    Application Tracker

    Not just another spreadsheet; it's an educational enterprise software designed to turn you into a college data machine. Generate assignments directly from the App Tracker, and let each cell change color to indicate task progress. It's what parents want; the ability to check in without being called a helicopter.


    Readiness-Curriculum for high-schoolers

    Available nowhere else, an actual step-by-step college readiness plan to follow. 40+ assignments auto-populated for you and your students. You can be an expert and not know everything! You are an expert when you know which are the best tools to retrieve the knowledge you need. Don't spend years perfecting your process - it's been done for you!


    Software & Professional Training

    The tools AND Training Program you'll love!

    • Complimentary Account set up with a CounselMore Tech Mentor
    • Weekly Peer-to-Peer Study Hall
    • Collaboration Lab
    • Self-Guided Onboarding
    • Live broadcast and Free Onboarding sessions
    • Live-Tech-Help on demand
      There's no other platform like CounselMore!

    Don't Wait, Act Now!

    Click here to start aligning your college counseling business with what parents are looking for. Avoid the stress and chaos of application season and focus on what you love—guiding students towards their future.

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